Training Service

Class 9 (Restricted) Training
Class 9 (Restricted) training course is designed for individuals who are seeking to obtain a Class 9 (Restricted) license for boat owners/operators.
To enhance the safety level of water transportation users and the maritime environment in the waters of
Brunei Darussalam.
To raise awareness of safe water transportation handling procedures.
To disseminate regulations governing water transportation.
Preparation for examinations related to water transportation safety and regulations.
Holding a valid Physical Fitness Medical (before course).
Proceed to Lantern / Eye Test after passing the examination of Class 9 (Restricted) training course.
Class 9 (Restricted) license will be issued by Maritime and Port Authority of Brunei Darussalam (MPABD) after being declared medically fit, passed lantern/eye test, passed all trainings.
Certificate Validity:
Lifetime (Annual medical test after holder reaching 60 years old).
Class 9 (Restricted) Application Steps: