DPS Supports Annual Cemetery Cleanup Ahead of Ramadhan

Friday, 7 February 2025 - Darussalam Pilotage Services (DPS) recently took part in the annual cleanup campaign at the Muslim cemetery near Muara Port, an initiative organized in preparation for the upcoming holy month of Ramadhan.

This meaningful event was hosted by Muara Port Company (MPC) with the support of the Masjid Setia Ali Takmir Committee and the Mukim Serasa Consultative Council.

The cleanup saw the participation of various organizations, including representatives from the Maritime and Port Authority of Brunei Darussalam, the port community, law enforcement agencies, and corporate entities. The initiative reflects the spirit of unity and shared responsibility in maintaining the cleanliness and upkeep of important community sites.

The event began with an opening prayer, followed by a collective cleanup effort where participants worked together to clear debris, trim overgrown vegetation, and maintain the area’s cleanliness. After completing the cleanup, the gathering continued with a recitation of Surah Yassin and Tahlil.

DPS remains committed to supporting community-driven initiatives, particularly those that align with its corporate social responsibility values. The company extends its appreciation to MPC and all involved for organizing this meaningful event and looks forward to continuing its participation in similar efforts in the future.

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